Drummer | Jason Kruk

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Previous shows
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May 24, Outer Space, Hamden, CT 5-7 pm Dan Arcamone, Mike Nunno, Sean Nowell
June 11, 55 Wine Bar, Fairfield, CT Funktastic 4 10:30-1:30 Richard Padron, Art Hirahara, Sean Nowell
June 18, Euphoria, Fairfield, CT 8-11 pm Mike Nunno, Art, Hirahara, Sean Nowell
July 2, Euphoria Acoustic Duo 7-10 pm Mike Nunno, Me on Acoustic Gtr Vocals, , ha!
July 25, Beach House, Greenwich, CT 9-12 pm Dizzyfish
Aug 14, Cobbs Mill Inn, Weston, CT 9-11 pm Dizzyfish
Aug 29, Beach House, Greenwich, CT 9-12 pm Dizzyfish
Sept 10, Euphoria, Fairfield, CT 8-10 pm Jeremy Goldsmith, Dan Asher
Oct 2, Mission Sound Recording with WK and FE for my new record!
Oct 8, Euphoria, Fairfield, CT 9-11 pm Acoustic Duo with Mike Nunno
Oct 25 & 26, Old Greenwich, CT 6-9 pm David Hogan Conference-it's free!
Nov 12, Euphoria, Fairfield, CT 9-11 pm Acoustic Duo with Mike Nunno
Dec 3, Euphoria, Fairfield, CT 9-11pm, TBA
Dec 6, Outer Space, Hamden, CT 6-8 pm, Dan Arcamone Quartet
Dec 10, Euphoria, Fairfield, CT 9-11 pm, Acoustic Duo with Mike Nunno
March 10, Euphoria, Fairfield, CT 9-11 pm, Acoustic Duo with Mike Nunno
April 14, Euphoria, Fairfield, CT 9-11 pm, Acoustic Duo with Mike Nunno
May 12, Euphoria, Fairfield, CT 9-11 pm, Acoustic Duo
June 15, Euphora, Fairfield, CT 9-11pm, Acoustic Duo
July 14, Euphoria, Fairfield, CT 9-11 pm, Acoustic Duo with Jeremy Goldsmith
August 11, Euphoria Fairfield, CT 9-11 pm, Acoustic Duo
September 10 Private Event
September 25, Outer Space 5-7 pm, Jason Kruk Band
October, 2, The Acoustic, Bridgeport, CT 7-9 pm, OFFICIAL CD RELEASE :: BEYOND THE VEIL
November 26, The Outer Space 7-9 pm Fima Ephron, Bob Lanzetti, Sean Nowell, Adam Klipple
November 27 Rockwood Music Hall 7 pm, Fima Ephron, Adam Klipple, Sean Nowell, Bob Lanzetti